Congratulations - Thor Stadil, 75

07 November 2019

Who was the boy who cashed in rent from the other kids for living in a hut built out of clay, boards, twigs and branches? That is what the natives of Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania, then Tanganyika, questioned each other in the late 1950s.

We went hardcore at the THORNICO event 2019!

14 October 2019

Every year we arrange an event where we celebrate our colleagues and where Company Karma is the wide storyline. This year we went Hardcore* (*the most active, committed, or strict members of a group or movement).

Company Karma Report 2018

13 May 2019

THORNICO seeks to establish a widespread and global commitment to responsible business practices in order to support the transparency and interconnectedness of its businesses all over the world.

THORNICO Event 2018

12 October 2018

On October 5, THORNICO hosted its THORNICO Event. Every year we arrange an event where we celebrate our dear colleagues and where Company Karma is the wide storyline.