Click the picture to read our report covering the karma achievements from 2023. 
Click the picture to read our report covering the karma achievements from 2023. 


In THORNICO, we seek to establish a widespread and global commitment to responsible business practices in order to support the transparency and interconnectedness of our businesses all over the world. READ about our dedication to Company Karma in THORNICO's 2024 Company Karma Report covering the karma achievements from 2023. 

Read the Company Karma Reports covering previous years:


As a worldwide company, THORNICO has a global responsibility to act from a holistic mindset in relation to the world, its population and a joint future. In THORNICO, this responsibility is incorporated under the Company Karma business philosophy, which is a core aspect of the way THORNICO intends to do business regardless of industry and market. In its commitment to Company Karma, THORNICO and its group companies are thus involved in different activities that serve to expand the positivity of doing good both internally and externally. To secure a continuous dedication and development of Company Karma, THORNICO’s Code of Conduct introduces a number of Company Karma tools that serve to manifest the business philosophy in all business sectors in THORNICO and its group companies.

The Code of Conduct is developed as both an internal tool to guide all group companies and their subsidiaries in terms of the joint corporate responsibility they have to all of their internal and external stakeholders around the world and as an external way of communicating the THORNICO policies. A united dedication to Company Karma will increase the positive impact the THORNICO conglomerate has on its surroundings while functioning as a valuable business differentiation that will be echoed in the business world at large.

THORNICO’s Code of Conduct emanates from the following declarations:

  • United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

  • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (International Labour Conference, 18 June 1998)

  • Agenda 21 (UNCED Rio 1992)

  • United Nations Convention against Corruption (General Assembly resolution 58/4 of 31 October 2003)


The policies and regulations are a natural part of our Company Karma business philosophy and elaborate on THORNICO’s general approach to responsible business practice and identify the measures that need to be taken to uphold this responsibility, which is a core value throughout all companies. On a board-level, all companies have committed themselves to comply with our Code of Conduct inclusive policies regarding human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption and General Data Protection to prevent any breach and to make sure that the policy is implemented correctly in all THORNICO companies and is fully met by all employees, including managers and directors. The Code of Conduct is divided into three key focus areas securing a holistic approach to the companies’ responsibilities, namely 'human', 'globe' & 'economy'.

Human is THORNICO’s devotion to the well-being of the people working in and around THORNICO. THORNICO is committed to supporting the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights to make sure that businesses are not complicit in human rights abuse (United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948) both in respect of employees and partners, but also on a larger societal level. Furthermore, THORNICO is committed to the fundamental principles and rights of labour and workplace to uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, effective abolition of child labour, elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation (ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up (International Labour Conference, 18 June 1998)). THORNICO works hard to establish a safe, fair and healthy work environment that motivates the people who constitute the backbone of the company. Additionally, THORNICO has introduced all our European companies to the regulations of GDPR (the Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive and other rules concerning the protection of personal data) in order to ensure that they meet the rules accordingly, and our companies have taken part in a risk assessment and mitigation process with a view to ensuring that all regulations are met.

Globe is THORNICO’s engagement in facing some of the environmental challenges that are constantly threatening the world we live in. This includes supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, undertaking initiatives promoting greater environmental responsibility, and encouraging the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies (Agenda 21, UNCED, Rio 1992).

Our globe is constantly confronted with environmental challenges, and notions like global warming, urbanisation, lack of renewable energy sources and overpopulation have all become the natural course of our lives on Earth. Within the principles of ‘globe’, THORNICO strives to minimise any negative environmental impact the company might have. Integrating a concern for the environment into the different businesses in THORNICO is, therefore, a natural part of Company Karma.

Economy is THORNICO’s dedication to conducting its business activities sustainably, dissociating the company from any illegal, corrupt and oppressing actions that hinder or create disproportionate economic growth of society. THORNICO works against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery (United Nations Convention against Corruption, General Assembly resolution 58/4 of 31 October 2003). Additionally, as a policy within ‘economy’, THORNICO is required to publish its tax strategy for the UK in accordance with the UK Finance Act (Finance Act, 2016). This internal UK Tax Strategy can be found here.

Code of Conduct Headlines

  1. THORNICO is dedicated to protecting internationally proclaimed human rights and endeavours to minimise any form of adverse impact on such rights and endeavours.

  2. THORNICO does not exercise or encourage any kind of forced or compulsory labour.

  3. THORNICO works for the abolishment of child labour of any sorts.

  4. THORNICO is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all of its employees.

  5. THORNICO strives to eliminate any kind of discrimination throughout employment and working life of its employees.

  6. THORNICO fully recognises employees’ right to collective bargaining and encourages the freedom of association.

  7. THORNICO is, committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced in 2018 in the EU in order to protect personal data. 

  8. THORNICO takes a precautionary approach to environmental challenges through environmentally sustainable business procedures and technologies.

  9. THORNICO is dedicated to promoting greater environmental responsibility by developing and supporting environmentally friendly initiatives. 

  10. THORNICO is dedicated to preventing and working against any kind of illegal, corrupt or oppressing actions including extortion and bribery.